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日期:2021-05-13 11:03

Nand2Tetris Project 6: The Assembler


Low-level machine programs are rarely written by humans. Typically, they are

generated by compilers. Yet humans can inspect the translated code and

learn important lessons about how to write their high-level programs better, in

a way that avoids low-level pitfalls and exploits the underlying hardware better. One of the key players in this translation process is the assembler -- a

program designed to translate code written in a symbolic machine language

into code written in binary machine language. This project marks an exciting landmark in our Nand to Tetris odyssey: it

deals with building the first rung up the software hierarchy, which will

eventually end up in the construction of a compiler for a Java/C++ like highlevel

language. The relevant reading for this project is Chapter 6. Some of the

useful tools available include, the Hack Assembler, the CPU Emulator and

working versions of the three

programs, bin/parser, bin/translator and bin/disassembler. The CPU

Emulator uses its own builtin disassembler to display memory containing

instructions. Objective

The Hack assembler is a relatively simple program however, so that you can

gain experience with the tools used in other workshops and assignments, you

will build your assembler from three parts. This will involve using a

precompiled tokeniser for the Hack assembly language to implement

a parser that recognises labels, A-instructions and C-instructions using

tokens returned by the tokeniser. The parser will construct a tree

representation of the program that the translator will walk over in order to

assemble the final machine code. The disassembler will use a precompiled

tokeniser for Hack machine code to construct a Hack assembly

language program. Compiling and Running Your Programs

You programs can be compiled with the following command. % make notest

To compile all three programs and test your programs at the same time you

can use the following command:

% make

Eventually the output should look like this:

Notes: ? The reminder to run svn update and svn commit should appear every

hour. It is important to always run svn update when you start work and svn

commit when you make logbook entries or take a break. ? The reminder to write in your logbook should appear every half hour. If

you logbook does not record your progress as you work your final mark

for an assignment may be capped at 25 or in some cases reduced to 0. ? The Test column can be used to refer to a specific test if you wish to

inspect the actual output from the test. ? The Program column tells you what program was running including any

command line arguments it was passed. ? The Output column shows you whether or not your program produced

the expected standard output (file 1). If it did the column will have a green

background, if it did not it will have a red background and if the test does

not care, a ? will be displayed. ? The Errors column shows you whether or not your program produced

the expected standard error (file 2). ? The Status columns shows you the exit status returned when your

program terminated.

? The Test Result column shows you whether or not your program

passed the test overall. This will either be Test Passed in green or Test

Failed in red. ? The Description column may tell you something about the nature of the

test or the input. The Tokeniser

You must use the precompiled tokeniser functions provided by the library in

the startup files. The tokens recognised and the tokeniser functions are

described in the file includes/tokeniser.h. All error handling is silent, if the

tokeniser encounters a character that cannot be part of a token or a character

that is not whitespace, it simply returns the tk_eoi token. Once

the tk_eoi token is returned all future attempts to read a token will also return

the tk_eoi token. A set of extra token kinds are also provided that can be used with

the mustbe() and have() functions to check for membership of a particular

group of tokens. For example, the token kind tk_dest can be used to check if

a token is a destination component of a C instruction, ie one

of tk_dest_A, tk_dest_M, tk_dest_D, tk_dest_MD, tk_dest_AM, tk_dest_A

D, tk_dest_AMD or tk_null. All of the available groups are described in the

file includes/tokeniser.h. The Assembly Language Grammar

The following table describes the structure of an assembly language program

that must be translated into machine code. All comments and whitespace, except for newline characters, will have been removed by the tokeniser. Therefore these rules are defined purely in terms of the tokens returned by

the tokeniser. Term Definition

program ::= line* tk_eoi

line ::= instruction? tk_eol

instruction ::= tk_label | A-instr | C-instr

A-instr ::= tk_name | tk_number

C-instr ::= tk_dest? tk_alu_op tk_jump?

Notes: ? in a definition the or operator | separates alternative components

? in a definition the question mark character ? indicates that the

preceding component may appear 0 or one times

? in a definition the star character * indicates that the preceding

component may appear 0 or more times

Abstract Syntax Tree

An abstract syntax tree is just a tree like data structure that holds a

representation of a program. In the case of Hack Assembly language, the

abstract syntax tree consists of a root node which has one sub-tree for every

label, a-instruction or c-instruction in the program. In addition to the ainstruction

node there is also an a-name node to represent a-instructions

where the value is still described by a variable or label name. Descriptions of

the functions required to create abstract syntax tree nodes and to access their

contents can be found in the file includes/abstract-syntax-tree.h. All abstract syntax tree nodes are immutable - they cannot be changed - so a

new node cannot be created until all of its sub-trees have been created. This

makes it impossible to construct loops in a tree which greatly simplifies their

implementation. All tree nodes are referenced by a value of type ast which

appears to be a pointer but is really an integer index into a private table. All

tree nodes remain in existence for the lifetime of the running program that

creates them. Parser

The skeleton parser.cpp file has most of the parsing structure already written, you just need to complete the functions that parse labels, A-instructions and

C-instructions. The same parsing technique used in workshop 05 is used here

but, it works with tokens rather than characters. The main() function of

the parser program prints out an XML representation of the abstract syntax

tree using the precompiled library function ast_print_as_xml(). You do not

need to know how to write out XML. XML is produced by the parser because

it is easy to read by humans.

If your parser encounters any errors, it must exit immediately and have not

produced any output. Examples of errors include, multiple definitions of a

label, an A-instruction with a number that is too large, or a C-instruction with

multiple destination components, multiple jump components or no ALU

component. In this two program structure, the parser will not be able to

directly detect the first two kinds of errors. Multiple definitions of a label will

not be detectable until the translator walks the abstract syntax tree and a

number that is too large will cause the tokeniser to report that it is at the end

of the input. The other errors can be detected by the parser and should result

in an immediate exit with no output. The iobuffer.h include file gives details of functions you can use to manage

when output is produced by your programs. Translator

The executable program, translator, will read the abstract syntax tree and

assemble a machine code representation of the original Hack Assembly

Language program. The assembled code will be formatted as sixteen zeros or

ones per line and it must be written to standard output using

the write_to_output() function described in includes/iobuffer.h.

The translator program uses the precompiled function ast_parse_xml(), to

read the output of the parser program. You do not need to know how to read

in and interpret XML. The later workshops and assignments will use this

technique to allow their compilers to be written as separate programs. One advantage of this two program approach is that walking over the tree

more than once is really simple. The skeleton translator.cpp file includes an

example of how to walk over the abstract syntax tree produced by the parser. This is important in the translator when it comes to resolving symbols. When

a program includes an A-instruction such as @somename you cannot tell

if somename is a label or a variable until the entire program has been

inspected because the label definition may come later. This will be true for

jumps to a later part of a program. We solve this problem by walking over the

abstract syntax tree and record all the labels that we can find. This is Pass 1. When we walk over the abstract syntax tree a second time, Pass 2, every

label name will already have been defined. Therefore, all undefined names

found in Pass 2 must be variable names.

If your translator encounters any errors, it must exit immediately and have

not produced any output. It may be interesting to reflect on why we did not

include missing label definitions amongst the list of errors to be detected. Lookup Tables

Your translator program will need a way of generating the correct set of bits

for each part of a C-instruction. For example, "JMP" needs to be mapped to

"111". To do this you will need some sort of lookup table to record these

mappings. The translator program also needs a lookup table so that it can

implement a symbol table to record label addresses and the memory locations

for variables. You should use the precompiled symbol table classes described

in the includes/symbols.h file to create any lookup tables that you require. The includes/symbols.h file includes examples of how to use these lookup

tables. You will need several lookup tables, one for the symbol table and one for

each component of a C-instruction. Although most parts of a C-instruction are

unique, the M, A and D registers need to be mapped to different sets of bits

depending on whether they are used as an alu operation or a destination. For

example, "A" as a destination would be "100" but as an alu operation it would

be "0110000". Disassembler

The disassembler program uses its own tokeniser, which returns one token

per instruction to parse a Hack machine code representation of a program. Details of the tokens, tokeniser functions and the grammar that is recognised

are all described in the includes/tokeniser-d.h file. The new Assembly language code that you generate must be formatted as

follows and must be written to standard output using

the write_to_output() function described in includes/iobuffer.h:

? Labels are on their own line, the opening bracket, '(', must be at the

start of the line. ? A-instructions are on their own line prefixed by 8 spaces. ? C-instructions are on their own line prefixed by 8 spaces. ? If the jump or destination components of a C-instruction are null, they

are not written out. ? If the alu operation component of a C-instruction is not recognised, use

the string "< ** UNDEFINED ALU OPERATION ** >"

? Apart from the 8 space prefixes and spaces within the alu error

message, no other white space can appear on a line of output. No symbols

If the disassembler program is passed the command line argument "N",

the disassemble_no_symbols() function will be called. This function will

output all A-instructions in numeric form and there will be no labels or variable

names in the output. Symbols

If no command line arguments are passed to the disassembler program,

the disassemble_symbols() function will be called and A-instructions must

be output in symbolic form where possible. If there is a choice, always output

the label name. The rules for generating label and variable names are as


Label Names

If an A-instruction is immediately followed by a C-instruction with a jump (the

jump bits are not "000") and the A-instruction contains the ROM address of

one of instructions in the program, the A-instruction must be written out using

the label name for that instruction. The first instruction in the program that is

the target of a jump is given the label "L0", the next instruction that is a target

is given the label "L1", and so on. This will require a list of label names to be

kept and two passes over the program's machine code. RAM Addresses

If an A-instruction is immediately followed by a C-instruction that reads or

writes RAM and the address in RAM can be given a name, the A-instruction

must be written out using that name.

If the RAM address has a predefined name in Assembly language, then that

name must be used. Note: addresses 0 to 4 must be named SP, LCL, ARG, THIS or THAT rather than R0, R1, R2, R3 or R4.

If the RAM address is in the range 16 to 255 it may be the address of a

variable. This will require knowing the address of the next free variable in

memory. Remember that in the Hack Assembly Language, the first variable is

allocated address 16, the next 17 and so on. So, if the address is at least 16

and it is less than or equal to the address of the next free variable, the

address refers to a variable and the A-instruction must be written out using

the variable's name. If the address is the address of the next free

variable, the address of the next free variable is also incremented by 1. Variable names can be calculated from the address by subtracting 16 and

prefixing the result with "v_". The first variable is at address 16 and is named

"v_0", the next is at address 17 and is named "v_1", and so on. Disassembler Lookup Tables

Your disassembler program will need a way of generating the correct strings

for each part of a C-instruction. For example, for a jump , "111" needs to be

mapped to "JMP". This can be easily done by copying the table initialisation

code from your translator program and swapping the order of the arguments. For the predefined symbols do not include the mappings for "R0" to "R4" so

that the names "SP", "LCL", "ARG", "THIS" and "THIS" will be returned

instead. Test Programs

The tests in the tests directory can run individually if necessary. If you fail a

test and want to see what was actually produced by your program you can run

the test in a number of ways. In the following examples

the translator program has an error when trying to assemble D+A:

You can run a single test and also see the live output too:

In this case the translator program has some trace writes added at the start

of each assembly pass. Trace writes are disabled when testing your programs

but the test script also runs your program with trace writes enabled to help

you with debugging. If there are trace writes a star will be displayed next to

the F* or P* in the Output and Error columns. To see the differences between the expected and actual output we

can show the test. To use less to view the output you can use less instead

of show. This example shows the instruction with the error, the + line is

output that is not expected and the - line is a line of output that is missing.

To see more detail such as as the names of the input files, names of the test

output files and any trace writes, we Show the test. To use less to view the

output you can use Less instead of Show. This example shows the

differences between the program output with and without the traces writes.

In addition to the tests in the tests directory, the web submission system will

run a number of secret tests that may contain various errors. Note: these

tests are secret, if your programs fail any of these secret tests you will

not receive any feedback about these secret tests, even if you ask!

The Pong program supplied in the tests directory was written in the Java-like

high-level Jack language and translated into the Hack assembly language by

the Jack compiler and a Hack Virtual Machine translator. (The Virtual Machine, Jack and the Jack compiler are described in Chapters 7-8, 9 and 10-11, respectively). Although the original Jack program is only about 300 lines of

Jack code, the executable Pong code is naturally much longer. Running this

interactive program in the supplied CPU Emulator is a slow affair, so don't

expect a high-powered Pong game. This slowness is actually a virtue, since it

enables your eye to track the graphical behavior of the program. And don't

worry! as we continue to build the software platform in the next few projects, Pong and and other games will run much faster.

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