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日期:2021-07-16 11:55

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Quick links for this challenge


Learning Objectives

How big is this challenge?

TODO: Requirements

Tips / Specific Points

Quick links to reference sections

These tend not to vary much from challenge to challenge.

Getting Started - downloading, unzipping, etc.

Code Structure - src , include , etc.

Compiling The Code

Testing The Code


General Information and Project Policies

Academic Honesty




The purpose of this challenge is help you become more familiar with writing makefiles. You only

task is to write the Makefile. That’s it.

Learning Objectives

1. Writing your own Makefile

2. Defining make variables

3. Using one or more make functions (Pretty self explanatory, isn't it?)

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4. Using make for tasks beyond compiling / software construction

How big is this challenge?

You need to fill in a Makefile . Our solution required about 15 non-blank lines of text. The tricky

part is using make variables, functions, and a couple of kinds of rules, in some ways you’ve not

seen before.

Getting Started

To get started, follow these steps:

1. Download the starter code.

2. Unzip the project-make-makefile.zip with the following command unzip -d PROJECT

project-make-makefile.zip . This will create a new directory called PROJECT . You can

replace PROJECT with a directory name of your choice.

3. cd into the PROJECT directory and investigate the project.

If you follow the above steps correctly, you should have the following folder structure after

unzipping (assuming the project name is “PROJECT”):









After you have the code extracted you should go ahead and investigate. You can run make from

the command line and your project will build and produce a potential error results. See more

information below.

Code Structure

This exercise contains the following important folders:

include: This is where we keep C header files. Header files are used in C to share

definitions across many C source files. That said, for this project, this directory will not be


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input: This is where any input files that you need to work with will be stored. All input files

will have a .in extension.

lib: This is where we keep any libraries that we might use. It will often be empty.

obj: This folder is used for object files that are generated from the C compilation process.

This folder is initially empty until you compile your code. You may actually make use of this

folder in this project.

output: This is where any output files generated will be stored. All output files need to

have a .out extension. This folder will need to be created by your Makefile ( mkdir

output ).

src: This is the source folder where all source code resides. For this project, you won’t be

changing anything in this folder.

copysome.c: This is the sole source file for the program that you will need to


test: This is the test folder where you can find all of the public unit tests - if any are given.

test.cpp: This file contains all the public google tests. Technically, this file is written in

C++, but you can edit it as though it were C, since the content of this class is

fundamental enough to largely be in the intersection of C and C++. This exists for

your use, use it as you wish for more formal/automated testing. That said, it probably

won’t be much use for this project, and you would need to compile it yourself or add

a rule to the Makefile. Since it stands alone, the command gcc test/test.cpp -o

make_makefile_test -lstdc++ -lgtest -lgtest_main -lpthread should do the trick

(probably even contains more flags than necessary).

Makefile - this is a “build” file. This file is used to compile your code. This time, THIS is

where all your work goes. And this is what you submit to the auto-grader.

Testing The Makefile

The natural way to casually test the Makefile is to just run make and see if it compiles

copysome.c and generates the executable copysome . You can also check the output directory

and see if all the files are generated with the correct number of lines copied.

You will similarly want to test make -e NUMLINES=20 or something (that’ll make more sense after

reading the instructions).



So the only thing you need to do is write the Makefile, but this makefile needs to do a series of

things by default ( make ) or of given the target all ( make all ). Here is the series of things:

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1. Compile src/copysome.c into an executable copysome

Pretty self explanatory, you have a sole source file src/copysome.c , and need to use it to

produce an executable named copysome (at the PROJECT directory level).

If you also create an object file, it should be named obj/copysome.o , but you don’t need to do


Note that the output directory does not exists by default, so your call to make will need to make

the directory.

2. run copysome on all input files

copysome takes arguments in the form ./copysome [-n num_lines] [in_file] [out_file]

The Makefile should have a variable NUMLINES that is set to 10. (One can override the value of

this variable with -e NUMLINES=[num_lines] , e.g, -e NUMLINES=20 .)

And so for each file input/[file_name].in , an associated file named output/[file_name].out

should be produced that contains the first NUMLINES lines of [file_name].in .

Tips/Specific Points

TABS! For the love of all that is good, beware the fact that Makefiles need tabs (not spaces). We

highly recommend you try and make whitespace characters visible in the editor of your choice.

Also, beware that a Makefile must be named exactly Makefile with no extension. Some

systems “helpfully” add a .txt if you don’t watch out for it.

We want to emphasise the simplicity and power of the makefile rule structure. The basic rules

are of the form:

[rule_name/output]: [dependencies]


(Notice that tab before [commands] !)

This is generally seen in the form of compiling files, such as:

challenge_test: test/test.cpp

gcc test/test.cpp -o challenge_test -lstdc++ -lgtest -lgtest_main -lpthread

(Where you could have the all rule claim challenge_test as a dependency, or invoke make

challenge_test directly.)

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But commands in Makefiles are not restricted to compilation commands. An example is a clean



rm -f output/*.out

rm -f copysome obj/copysome.o

(So make clean will not recursively consider any dependencies, but will invoke the rm


In this challenge you will also find use for pattern rules, which have the form:

output_pattern: input_pattern


where output_pattern and input_pattern have a % in them. For example, to build a .xyz file

from a .abc file:

%.xyx: %.abc


You will also find use for at least one static pattern rule, which restricts a pattern rule to apply

to specific outputs:

outputs: output_pattern: input_pattern


Your Makefile should not assume any specific .in files exist. Rather, it should process every

.in file in the input directory. The wildcard make function will be helpful for discovering the

input files, and the patsubst function can help create the names of the correspinding output

files. Our presention described how to describe a dependency for each file in a set of files

determined by previous variable settings in the Makefile (static pattern rule), which will also be

helpful. Other commands that may be useful include mkdir -p for guaranteeing the existence

of a directory, rm -f for deleting a file that may or may not exist in a clean rule, and likewise

rm -rf for deleting a directory that may or may not exist and everything in it.

Good Makefile style suggests that each rule should take care of only one kind of action, but may

have dependencies than can ultimately cause other things to happen. Consider, for example,

what is needed in order to run copysome - it needs to exist, and its output directory also needs

to exist. That suggests possible dependencies in your rule to run copysome , etc.

In sum, you don’t need a lot of lines of Makefile “code”, but (as in any programming) they need

to be the right lines!

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The autograder is used to test your code more deeply. If you follow the specifications of this

exercise exactly then you should be able to pass all of the tests that you are provided and all of

the tests the autograder is using to check your solution.

To run the autograder on your solution you must upload your Makefile to Gradescope.

General Information and Project Policies

Read this entire document. If, after a careful reading, something seems ambiguous or

unclear to you, then communicate to the course staff immediately. Start this assignment

as soon as possible. Do not wait until the night before the assignment is due to tell us you

don’t understand something, as our ability to help you will be minimal.

For some assignments, it will be useful for you to write additional C files. Any C file you

write that is used by your solution MUST be in the provided src directory.

The course staff are here to help you figure out errors, but not solve them for you. When

you submit your solution, be sure to remove all compilation errors from your project. Any

compilation errors in your project will cause the autograder to fail, and you will receive a

zero for your submission. No Exceptions!


Academic Honesty

All work that is completed in this assignment is your own. You may talk to other students about

the problems you are to solve, however, you may not share code in any way. What you submit

*must be your own work.

You may not use any code that is posted on the internet. If you are not sure it is in your best

interest to contact the course staff. We will be using software that will compare your code to

other students in the course as well as online resources. It is very easy for us to detect similar

submissions and will result in a failure for the exercise or possibly a failure for the course.

Please, do not do this. It is important to be academically honest and submit your work only.

Please review the UMass Academic Honesty Policy and Procedures so you are aware of what

this means.

Copying partial or whole solutions, obtained from other students or elsewhere, is academic

dishonesty. Do not share your code with your classmates, and do not use your classmates’ code.

If you are confused about what constitutes academic dishonesty you should re-read the course

policies. We assume you have read the course policies in detail and by submitting this project

you have provided your virtual signature in agreement with these policies.

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We use Gradescope to run our autograding software and record your grade for these

assignments. You may submit this assignment as many times as possible up to the due date. If

you encounter a problem with the autograder you should contact the course staff immediately.


You must submit your Makefile . To do this you will need to download the Makefile from the

EdLab environment to your local machine then upload Makefile to Gradescope. Gradescope

will run your submission in our autograder environment and give you a report of what tests

passed and which did not. You are welcome to submit as many times as you would like.

A word of caution: some means of downloading the Makefile will add a .txt extension (why

they do this, or why they think that would be a civilised thing to do is beyond me). The file you

submit to Gradescope must be named Makefile , not Makefile.txt . I recommend making

extensions visible on your machine to make sure you notice anything off.

198c-project-make-makefile is maintained by umass-cs-230.

This page was generated by GitHub Pages.

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