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您当前位置:首页 >> Python编程Python编程

日期:2021-06-22 10:17

COP 1000 Course Project – 100 points

Due Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 11:59pm

Project Description and Requirements

For this project, you will be implementing a simple Department Management System.

1.You need two classes: DepartmentManagement.java, and Professor.java.

2.In class DepartmentManagement, you have the main method where you maintain a list of professors in the department. The maximum number of professors in a department is 50.

3.For each professor, you only care about his or her id, name, and salary, among which id can uniquely identify a professor. It is not allowed to have two professors in the same department with the same id.

4.Make sure you follow the principle of information hiding when designing class Professor.

5.Refer to the following given Sample Input and Output. The main menu contains a list of possible operations: 1) list all professors (show a list of all professors), 2) add a new professor (ask the user to provide name, id, and salary for a professor), 3) delete a professor (ask the user to enter the id of the professor to delete), 4) get the average salary of all professors, and 5) enter Q to quit.

6.In class DepartmentManagement, for each primary operation in the main menu, create a separate method to handle the operation. For example, you should have a method like addProfessor that will be called to add a new professor to the list when the user enters AP or ap.

7.You MUST follow the ground rules when writing code. Points off if not.

8.Fully test your program before submission to make sure you output strictly matches the following sample output given the same input.

Sample Input and Output: (input is highlighted in red)

Department Management System is running....

Please enter

LP to list all professors,

AP to add a professor,

DP to delete a professor,

AS to get average salary of professors,

Q to quit


Professor list is empty. Add a professor first.

Please enter

LP to list all professors,

AP to add a professor,

DP to delete a professor,

AS to get average salary of professors,

Q to quit


Please enter professor's name:


Please enter professor's id:


Please enter professor's salary:


The professor you just added: name=Joe, id=111, and salary=1023.45

Please enter

LP to list all professors,

AP to add a professor,

DP to delete a professor,

AS to get average salary of professors,

Q to quit


Please enter professor's name:


Please enter professor's id:


Please enter professor's salary:


The professor you just added: name=Seth, id=222, and salary=3435.64

Please enter

LP to list all professors,

AP to add a professor,

DP to delete a professor,

AS to get average salary of professors,

Q to quit


The professor list:

name=Joe, id=111, and salary=1023.45

name=Seth, id=222, and salary=3435.64

Please enter

LP to list all professors,

AP to add a professor,

DP to delete a professor,

AS to get average salary of professors,

Q to quit


The average salary is 2229.545

Please enter

LP to list all professors,

AP to add a professor,

DP to delete a professor,

AS to get average salary of professors,

Q to quit


Please enter the professor's id:


The prof with id=555 does not exist.

Please enter

LP to list all professors,

AP to add a professor,

DP to delete a professor,

AS to get average salary of professors,

Q to quit


Please enter the professor's id:


The prof with id=111 has been deleted.

Please enter

LP to list all professors,

AP to add a professor,

DP to delete a professor,

AS to get average salary of professors,

Q to quit


The professor list:

name=Seth, id=222, and salary=3435.64

Please enter

LP to list all professors,

AP to add a professor,

DP to delete a professor,

AS to get average salary of professors,

Q to quit


Command not supported. Try again.

Please enter

LP to list all professors,

AP to add a professor,

DP to delete a professor,

AS to get average salary of professors,

Q to quit


Thanks for using Department Management System!

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