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您当前位置:首页 >> Algorithm 算法作业Algorithm 算法作业

日期:2019-05-11 11:20

GU4206-GR5206 Sample Final Exam


The STAT Fall 2018 GU4206-GR5206 Final Exam is open notes, open book(s), open computer and online

resources are allowed. Students are not allowed to communicate with any other people regarding the final

with the exception of the instructor and TA. This includes emailing fellow students, using WeChat and other

similar forms of communication. If there is any suspicion of students cheating, further investigation will take

place. If students do not follow the guidelines, they will receive a zero on the exam and potentially face more

severe consequences.

Part 1: Warm Up [15 pts]

Recall the strikes dataset from Week 6 lecture notes. This data set, compiled by Bruce Western has information

on 18 countries over 35 years.

strikes <- read.csv("strikes.csv", as.is = TRUE)


## [1] 625 8

head(strikes, 3)

## country year strike.volume unemployment inflation left.parliament

## 1 Australia 1951 296 1.3 19.8 43

## 2 Australia 1952 397 2.2 17.2 43

## 3 Australia 1953 360 2.5 4.3 43

## centralization density

## 1 0.3748588 NA

## 2 0.3751829 NA

## 3 0.3745076 NA

In this problem, you will use the variable unemployment. The goal of this exercise is to take the following

inelegant nested-loop and condense it to as few of lines of code as possible. For full credit, perform the same

task in no more that two lines of code.

countries <- unique(strikes$country)

unemployment_statistic <- rep(NA,length(countries))

counter <- 1

for (c in countries) {

one_country <- strikes[strikes$country==c,]

unemployment_temp <- one_country[,c("unemployment")]

stat <- 0

for (i in 1:length(unemployment_temp)){

stat <- stat + unemployment_temp[i]/length(unemployment_temp)


unemployment_statistic[counter] <- stat

counter <- counter+1



## country unemployment


## 1 Australia 3.5057143

## 2 Austria 2.5400000

## 3 Belgium 3.6466667

## 4 Canada 6.0428571

## 5 Denmark 5.7114286

## 6 Finland 2.5714286

## 7 France 3.1828571

## 8 Germany 3.1171429

## 9 Ireland 7.7714286

## 10 Italy 6.7257143

## 11 Japan 1.6028571

## 12 Netherlands 3.6914286

## 13 New.Zealand 1.0028571

## 14 Norway 1.4285714

## 15 Sweden 2.1371429

## 16 Switzerland 0.3285714

## 17 UK 3.4514286

## 18 USA 5.5428571

Write your solution below.

## Solution goes here -------

Part 2: Simulation [50 pts]

The goal of this section is to study the random variable

X = U1 + U2,

where U1 and U2 are independent uniform random variables, each over the unit interval. This section of the

final exam has five major components; simulate X = U1 + U2 directly, plot the pdf of X = U1 + U2, use the

inverse-transform method to simulate X, use the accept-reject method to simulate X, and use the simulated

random variable X to compute a Monte-Carlo integral of the function b(x) = sin(sin(x)), over [0, 2].

Perform the following tasks:

Part 2.i) [5 pts]

Simulate 10,000 cases of the random variable X = U1 + U2 directly by using runif() for U1 and U2 and

then adding the resulting vectors. Display the first 10 simulated values of X and use ggplot to construct a

histogram of the distribution of X. Use a Base R plot for partial credit.

## Solution goes here -------

Part 2.ii) [10 pts]

Using ggplot, plot the pdf of X over the range [?1, 3]. The pdf is given by the following piecewise function:

For guidance on defining and plotting a piecewise function, please see Part 2.v.


## Solution goes here -------

Part 2.iii) [15 pts]

Use the inverse-transform method to simulate 10,000 draws of X. For full credit, perform the following


a) Define a R function called F.cdf.inv which is the inverse of the cdf F(x). Test your function using the

points .1,.45,.7. More specifically, run the code F.cdf.inv(F.cdf(c(.1,.45,.7))), where F.cdf() is the


b) Use the inverse-transform method to simulate 10,000 draws of X and display the first 10 simulated


c) Plot the 10,000 simulated cases using ggplot, i.e., plot a histogram. Also overlay the pdf f(x) on the

the histogram. For partial credit, use Base R graphics.

Note that the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of f(x) is

Note that the function F(x) appears to be non-invertible because of the quadratic terms. However, the

function is invertible over the domain of each piecewise interval.

## Solution goes here -------

Part 2.iii.b)

## Solution goes here -------

Part 2.iii.c)

## Solution goes here -------

Part 2.iv) [10 pts]

Use the accept-reject method to simulate 10,000 draws of X. For full credit, perform the following tasks:

a) Clearly identify an easy to simulate distribution g(x).

b) Identify a suitable envelope function e(x) that satisfies

f(x) ≤ e(x) = g(x)/α, where 0 < α < 1.

c) Simulate 10,000 draws from the target distribution f(x) using the accept-reject algorithm. Display

the first 10 simulated values.


d) Using ggplot or Base R, construct a histogram of the simulated distribution with the pdf f(x)

overlayed on the plot.

Part 2.vi.a)

Part 2.vi.b)

## Solution goes here -------

Part 2.iv.c)

## Solution goes here -------

Part 2.iv.d)

## Solution goes here -------

Part 2.v) [10 pts]

The goal of this section is to use the simulated cases coming from target distribution f(x) to numerically

integrate b(x) via Monte-Carlo. You must draw directly from f(x) by using any of the previous three

methods. The integral of interest is:

b(x)dx, where b(x) = (sin(sin(x)) 0 < x < 20 otherwise

To visualize b(x), see the code below.

x <- seq(-1,3,by=.01)

n.x <- length(x)

b <- function(x) {

out <- ifelse((x<=0)|(x>2),0,sin(sin(x)))



plot_data <- data.frame(x=x,b=b(x))


ggplot(data = plot_data) +

geom_abline(slope=0,intercept=0,linetype = "dashed")+

geom_line(mapping = aes(x = x, y = b),color="red")+

labs(title = expression(sin(sin(x))),y="b(x)")

## Solution goes here -----

Part 3: Cost of Gradient Descent vs. Newton’s Method [35 pts]

In this section, we will extend off of the gradient descent and Newton’s method algorithms to assess how long

each method takes overall and how long each method takes per iteration.

To investigate the two methods, consider the simulated dataset:

n <- 100

d <- 10


x <- matrix(rnorm(n * (d-1)), n, (d-1))

x <- cbind(rep(1,n),x)

b <- round(runif(d,-10,10),2)

y <- x %*% b + rnorm(n,mean=0,sd=5)

To begin, we will apply a traditional least squares scenario as our objective function. It (obviously) isn’t

necessary to use gradient-descent or Newton’s method. However, this nice objective function guarantees less

problems with convergence. The objective function (squared loss) is easily defined by:

square.loss <- function(beta) {

return(sum((y - x %*% beta)^2))


A very useful function in R is proc.time(). The third output of proc.time can be used to estimate how

long a program takes to run. A simple example follows:


start_time <- proc.time()[3]

min_procedure <- nlm(square.loss,rep(10,d))

end_time <- proc.time()[3]-start_time

# Elapsed time


## elapsed

## 0.007

# Look at solution


## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]

## b -4.460000 -8.770000 -2.890000 1.540000 0.7000000 2.090000 -0.280000

## -4.851119 -8.670076 -4.439985 1.648804 0.3286596 2.407551 1.122194

## [,8] [,9] [,10]

## b -7.370000 9.29000 4.850000

## -7.510709 10.49301 4.103895

Perform the following tasks:

2.i) Overall runtime [15 pts]

In this section you will use the Gradient Descent and Newton’s Method functions from Homework 7

and Lab 6 respectively. In all methods, use defaults: x0 = rep(0,d), max.iter=200, step.size=0.001,


Run a simulation that performs the following tasks:

I) Create two vectors of length 29. Call the vectors runtime_gd and runtime_nm.

II) for d = 2, 3, . . . , 30

i) Simulate Y using the linear model

Y = β0 + β1x1 + · · · + βd?1xd?1 + , 

iid~ N(0, σ2 = 25)

Note this is already solved!

ii) Using the simulated dataset, apply both the gradient descent and Newton’s method algorithms

to estimate the parameters β0, . . . , βd?1. During the estimation procedure, store the amount of

elapsed time it took to run for each d.

III) You should have two vectors of length 29, one for gradient descent and one for Newton’s method. Plot

these runtime vectors (on the same graph) as a function of the dimension of the model d. Briefly

comment on the plot.

Note: I generally discourage nesting loops but it is fine for this assignment.

## Solution goes here -------------

2.ii) Runtime per iteration [20 pts]

In this section you will modify the Gradient Descent and Newton’s Method functions from Homework

7 and Lab 6 respectively. In all methods, use defaults: x0 = rep(0,d), max.iter=200, step.size=0.001,



In this problem, you will slightly change the Gradient Descent and Newton’s Method functions from

class so that the algorithms also store the run time of each iteration. Each function should output the average

runtime for all iterations.

Run a simulation that performs the following tasks:

I) Create two vectors of length 29. Call the vectors ** iter_time_gd** and ** iter_time_gd**.

II) for d = 2, 3, . . . , 30

i) Simulate Y using the linear model

Y = β0 + β1x1 + · · · + βd?1xd?1 + , 

iid~ N(0, σ2 = 25)

Note this is already solved!

ii) Using the simulated dataset, apply both the modified gradient descent and modified Newton’s

method algorithms to estimate the parameters β0, . . . , βd?1. For each d during the estimation

procedure, store the average elapsed time per iteration.

III) You should have two vectors of length 29, one for gradient descent and one for Newton’s method. Plot

these iteration runtimes (on the same graph) as a function of the dimension of the model d. Briefly

comment on the plot.

## Solution goes here -------------


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