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您当前位置:首页 >> Database作业Database作业

日期:2019-05-22 11:08

Mobile Application Development

COSC2309/2347 Semester 1, 2019

Assignment 2: Movie Night Planner App Extended

(30 marks)

You are to extend the Movie Night Planner Application created in Assignment

1 to include a number of new features described below:

Functional Requirements

1. Local Database: The complete model (all events and movie data) is to be

persisted in a local SQLite database. Whilst the database can be simple

(in terms of normalisation), it must store all information about Events

(including attendees) and Movies as discussed in Assignment 1. On

application startup it should read the contents of events.txt and

movies.txt and populate the database if not already present. For

efficiency you should maintain your original in memory model which is

synced (loaded) in onStart() and saved/persisted in onStop()1. For

cohesion, database functionality should reside in classes separate from

the model, view and controller classes.

2. Context Aware (Location Based) Event Notification: With people

increasingly on the move it is easy to miss an event and nobody wants to

be in the wrong place at the wrong time! Therefore, your application will

provide location-based notifications for upcoming movie events. For

example, if you are one hour’s travel away from the destination of an

upcoming event you should be notified one hour before (plus a

configurable notification threshold of say 15 minutes extra). The

notification should be displayed in the Notification Area and provide

Dismiss/Cancel/Remind in ‘n’ minutes options (where ‘n’ is another user

configurable setting i.e. remind again duration). NOTE: Dismiss

means just clear the notification and do not produce any further

notifications, whereas Cancel means actually cancel and remove the


When the user selects Cancel, a confirmation dialog box should be

displayed showing a summary of the event details so that the user can

choose to confirm the permanent removal of the event. If the user does

not confirm the deletion, then the notification is simply dismissed and

the user will be reminded again in 'n' minutes.

You can use any of the built in Android APIs to support this but MUST

create your own custom Service to facilitate this functionality e.g. create

either a JobService or use the AlarmManager to launch your own

1 Alternatively you may wish to do this in the background for additional protection against data

loss but this is not required for this assignment

started Service. A notification period with which location and distance is

checked should be the third user configurable setting for this


Google Distance Matrix API. To implement (2) you can get the current

location using the GPS of the device and you already have the locations

of all of your events but you need some mechanisms to calculate the time

to travel between two locations using various modes of transport (you can

just use the driving mode for this assignment). Google Distance Matrix

API will be used for this purpose.

This API is a REST based web service, which can be queried using

standard HTTP Get/Post requests and receives JSON formatted

responses (so as to not unnecessarily tie ourselves to Android APIs).

Details on how to use this service can be found in [1] and will be

discussed further in class.

3. Display Event Location information on a Google Map: One of the

licensing requirements of using the Distance Matrix API is to display

locations on a Google Map. Android Studio provides a Google Maps

Activity template you can use for this purpose. You should use the Map to

display the location of the three soonest (i.e. closest in time in the future

to the current time) event locations.

4. Network Monitoring: Since your application can only perform network

related operations (Distance Matrix API) when connectivity is available on

the device you should have a BroadcastRecever that listens for

network state. You should perform an Event Notification check

(requirement 2) whenever network connectivity is re-established.

Additional Implementation Requirements

- All non-trivial I/O operations must be performed in a separate worker

thread (i.e. Not the UI Thread). Your implementation must have at least

one AsyncTask and one started Service (which can be an


- In addition to the database functionality specified above all user settings

(notification threshold, remind again duration, and notification period)

should be saved using a mechanism other than SQLite e.g.

SharedPreferences or a file.

- Your User Interface must support all of the functionalities presented under

the “functional requirements” section of both assignments (Assignments 1

and 2). As with assignment 1 you should aim for a simple/efficient user

interface design and can refer to the Android Material Design UI

Guidelines for more information [2].

- Your implementation must make efficient use of UI resources through

Styles, Themes and XML resources (such as Strings, Dimensions or


- Your Target Android Version should be API 25 or higher (you must

implement runtime permission checking but can use Caspar’s

supplied code2


Code Quality

- You will be assessed on code quality using the same guidelines from

assignment 1.

Submission Instructions

- You MUST make use of the libraries provided by the default Android SDK

API. You must NOT make use of third-party libraries such as the Google

Client Libraries.

- Your project should be implemented using Android Studio and your project

exported as a compressed .zip archive before uploading to Canvas. Do

not use any other compression formats - use of other formats (e.g. tar.gz,

RAR, etc.) may lead to delays in marking and/or a deduction of

assignment marks.

Important Regulations

- You are free to refer to textbooks and notes, and discuss the design

issues (and associated general solutions) with your fellow students on

Canvas; however, the assignment should be your own individual work (or

as a student pair as per assignment 1 rules).

- Where you do make use of other references, please cite them in your

work. Note that you will only be assessed on your own work so the use of

third party code is prohibited.

This assignment is due 6:00PM Fri. 24th May 2019 (end of week 11) and is

worth 30%. Late marks will be deducted at 10% of the total marks per day

up to a maximum of five days (after which assignments will no longer be

marked unless special consideration applies as per course guide).


[1] Google Distance Matrix API


[2] Up and Running with Material Design.


2 This is the one exception of where you are allowed to use other/3rd party code in this


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